Poshmark Canada: Your Saviour in Current Crisis

Poshmark Canada Overview

COVID is no less than a nightmare for the entire world. Perhaps, It is going to stay a little longer than we expected. With this in mind, if you’re probing into opportunities to earn extra in the current crisis then you’ve landed at the right spot. By the end of this article, you will be able to set up your very own personalized online selling/ reselling business on Poshmark Canada. Happy Selling!

Poshmark Canada – Overview

Poshmark was initially launched for women of the US to offer a cheaper alternative for their fashion needs. Ever since their success in the US, the company focused on expansion in different parts of the world. For example, India and Australia but they are yet to launch there.

poshmark canada overview

However, Canada welcomed Poshmark last year in May. It is not only a platform to generate revenue by selling and buying different items but it is also providing a way to interact with different seller stylists. Undoubtedly, It has Pinterest and Instagram all in one website or app. So, what are you waiting for? It is time for you to step out as an Influencer.

What can you sell on Canadian Poshmark?

You should look into the categories of products that you can add in your closet to establish yourself as a successful Posher. Well, in the end, it all comes down to Moolah, doesn’t it? The more the variety, the more profit you make.

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The website that started by selling branded used clothes at market competitive prices now has a wide range of products starting from women to men, kids, and even household goods. Nonetheless, Poshmark has made sure that N95 Masks and Hand Sanitizers a necessity today shall not be used for monetization purposes.

What to sell on Poshmark?

If you didn’t notice, this question might look similar to the previous one but it has a different answer to it. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. Planning and opting for a favorable strategy is essential for business. How to do that? select the appropriate target audience and add items accordingly. Concerning, Poshmark’s 2020 Social Commerce Report, Gen X (Ages 40-54) and Gen Z (Ages 7-22) have been the driving force of social shopping.

1. What are the top-selling brands on Poshmark Canada?

Posting products from the brands popular in these age groups will help you achieve speedy sales and a higher sale ratio. About 164M items were shared by the Poshmark Canada Community along with 30M shared just in the in-app posh parties.

top selling brand on poshmark canada

  1. Gucci
  2. Adidas
  3. Brandy Melville
  4. Nike
  5. Tory Burch
  6. Kate Spade
  7. Patagonia

2. How to add items on the Posh list?

Needless to say, you should know how and when to add and share items in your closet. Assuming you’re a beginner who needs help. I’m here for you.

1st Step: Download the app and set up your profile.

2nd Step: Upload photos of the products you wish to sell.

3rd Step: Add description, title, color, and size of the product you are offering.

4th Step: Set a selling price for your item

5th Step: Click on the “list item” and wait for the offers.

Are we missing out on something? Think again, YES, when to share the listings. Due to the current situation mostly people from Gen Z and Gen X are working from home and they often take breaks, stay up late at night surfing the internet. Utilize that for your advantage and share your items in suitable time slots so it appears on top of the list!. According to the Sales Cycle ECommerce Stats Report 2020, most people shop online between 8 pm to 9 pm on Monday and Thursday. Moreover, using apps like Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram to market your products has been a successful marketing tactic

How to become the Best Seller on Poshmark Canada?

You must be wondering if everything is that simple, why is there so much competition when it comes to online shopping. Why did the buyer pay another seller for the same product you offered as well? Can you think of possible reasons? Let dig in to find out.

1. Professional Profile:

A lot of people miss out on the fact that buyers want everything to be about the product you are offering. Undoubtedly, adding a little color and some accessories make it look appealing.

  • Follow a theme and make sure you use one color for the background, be it white or grey, etc. It should contrast with your item. Natural light compliments plain backgrounds the best. Keep similar brightness and exposure settings throughout.
  • Take clear photos of the item. It doesn’t certainly have to be a professional camera photo but it should cover all the details of your item. Poshmark itself advises to not take photos through the app. Besides, modeling for products has shown positive effects on sales. People want to know how to stand out with the scarf they’re buying.
  • The title should contain the brand name, item, and important keywords that the buyer might search for.

2. Perfect Description:

Add a nice crafted account mentioning everything that your buyer needs to know about the

Product. Here’s a Posh tip for you: “Sell the sizzle, not the stake”. 

  • Being honest in your dealings is important, to begin with. Thus, earning customers loyalty and trust should always be a top priority for you. Mention all the defects of the product if it has any.
  • Comprehensive details about the product that includes the condition, size, and color should be convincing enough for the buyer to make an offer or simply buy what you are selling.
  • Appropriate pricing of the products helps you gain buyers. After all, everyone wants to save a few bucks. Take notes of the usual price of the listing and put up a price lesser than most sellers to see the magic.

pricing and description on poshmark canada

Where to get Inventory for Poshmark?

Now that we have learned the abracadabra for being the noticeable seller on the Posh market. Do you have any idea where you should collect items to sell? Correct, it is right in your closet. Stack up all the unwanted clothes sitting there in your wardrobe for ages. What’s best than earning out of some faulty or unwanted clothing?

Not only yours, ask around your family and friends too. It’s a great idea to earn money in these difficult times. Furthermore, thrift stores are one of the best places to find items for your posh business from clothes to household items. You can pick anything you want and sell it for a profit margin.

Engage and Grow!

Does networking and socializing excite you? In order to have a roaring business, you need to gear yourself up for Posh Parties. You can make others feel your presence by attending and hosting events like the Virtual Posh N Coffee event. Apart from this, Using Posh Bots to share your listings enables you to maintain a top spot in the party.

Exclusive bundle deals and making use of “Offer to likers” alerts all the people who have liked your listing to avail of the discount you have put forth. Additionally, Packaging of your product says a lot about you. Make sure you put in a bubble wrap or crumpled paper for fragile items. Keep it simple and classy!. Sending a handwritten note/card would add sentimental value to your product and aid in building a connection with the customer. If you take my opinion, I would definitely shop from a seller who makes an effort for his customers.

Last but not the least, to sum it up If you Stay Active on Poshmark! 2020 is the year for you. I promise!

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